Zinc from Sowelo is one of the essential micronutrients. In food, it can be found in cashews, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, wild oysters, liver and egg yolk.
It is present in over 200 enzymes in the body, regulates blood pressure, is involved in the treatment of acne and ulcers, optimizes pancreatic function and insulin secretion. It is an important micronutrient for good skin, hair and nail health. This supplement also supports the treatment of arthritis, varicose veins, and supports the immune system.
Sowelo tablets affects the immune system, proper secretion and storage of insulin by the pancreas and prolongs the duration of its action. It also influences vitamin A concentration and thus affects vision processes. It also takes part in mineralization of bones, supports tissue regeneration process and wound healing. This supplements contributes to regulation of blood pressure and heart function. It also regulates the proper body weight and has a great influence on the lipid profile – the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood.
As zinc supports the immune system, its deficiency results in a decrease in the number of antibodies, and thus – a decrease in immunity. A tendency to contract infections more frequently can be combined with a constant feeling of fatigue and impaired concentration.
A visible sign of zinc deficiency is the deterioration of hair, skin and nails.
Sometimes it is only dryness, and sometimes acne, psoriatic lesions, inflammations and even ulcers occur. Hair falls out and nails become more brittle. Injuries, even minor ones, take slightly longer to heal. If a zinc deficiency condition persists, it leads to premature aging.
Zinc deficiency also weakens the senses. People who have too little zinc complain of a dry mouth and a deterioration in taste and smell, leading to a loss of appetite. The link between zinc and the metabolism of vitamin A means that a zinc deficiency can cause blindness in the long term. Decreased zinc concentrations in the body also result in anemia.